Friday, May 18, 2012

Hooda Math


Content: Math

Example Activities:

Custom Car Shop

Ice Cream Truck

Trade West

Purpose:  This is a website that has a large variety of activities and games for math. Some of them are more relevant than others.  There are activities for basic math skills, geometry, understanding money, supply and demand, and logic puzzles.

My Experience: I have used this with 7th and 8th grade gifted students as a center.  They love playing these activities.  They enjoy trying to figure out how to get better at buying inventory, setting prices, and selling their product.  It is always the first thing that they want to do.  I have them play it on the interactive whiteboard in groups of three and they have been very successful using these activities.  I have only used the Custom Car Shop and the Ice Cream Truck activities and I am excited to try out more of them with students.